Information about Our Current
Students and Alumni
Below are some statistics and information of how well our students did academically, on the actuarial exams, as well as in the industry.
High Quality Graduates

From 2018 through 2021, SMU Actuarial Science (ACS) program produced 59 graduates. With more than 60% of our ACS graduates awarded Cum Laude or above (see the chart above), ACS program can attract intellectual elite students joining the program.
Job Placement

The majority of our graduates landed a job in one of these employment fields: Insurance, Reinsurance, Consulting and Finance. On the right, listed are some of the potential companies that hire our actuarial graduates and providing our students with internship.
Success in SOA Exams
17.9% of Alumnis are awarded Actuarial Credentials
5 outstanding ACS Alumnis were awarded fellowships within 3 years after their graduation

Eng Pingni, FSA
As with anything in life, what you can achieve as an actuarial student in SMU depends on your exposure and how much effort you are willing to put in. I was glad to have the help from dedicated professors at SMU who laid the important foundations of my actuarial education and also supported me on my path to attain fellowship. The career path as an actuary is an exciting and rewarding one, if you love a challenge – and also numbers (more importantly). The actuarial science programme in SMU is up-to-date, flexible and will equip you with the essential skills to be a well-rounded qualified actuary if you work hard towards your goals.

​Chia Dao Zhe, ASA
I am really glad to have taken the ACS major. The program offers a rigorous curriculum for students to perform quantitative analysis on complex problems. In addition, the professors also encourage students to present the results in a meaningful and understandable manner. This has been extremely useful in my career in risk management, especially in engaging colleagues and even senior management. The ACS major is also very well aligned with the Society of Actuaries to obtaining a CERA or fellowship qualification. This is definitely an opportunity not to be missed.

​Guo Jialiang, FSA
I am grateful for having the opportunity to learn from two awesome professors in the ACS major. They are patient, caring, and knowledgeable. They not only taught me actuarial knowledge and actuarial modelling, but also provided me with industry knowledge which helped me to land a job in the actuarial industry. The curriculum of ACS major is well calibrated to prepare students with both quantitative skills and business acumen to solve real-life problems that actuaries face in their day-to-day job. In addition to that, the curriculum is also well aligned with the qualification exams under Society of Actuaries.